You can use Black & White adjustment layer together with the Gradient tool to keep half of an image in Black and White and the remaining in Color in Photoshop.
Part of the image is in color and part has been desaturated.
You can change the tone of an image with Levels in Photoshop of course, but you can also do it in another way, which will give a better effect. You can change an image with a dark tone to light and vice-versa.
The Dutch Painter Rembrandt had a special kind of light that he used in his work, which photographers also use.
There is a trick to know how to apply the light in Photoshop where you neither have a model or are able to arrange the lights. All you have is a 2D image. But it can be done.
I have taken this free stock image.
Here is the Rembrandt Style of Lighting added with Photoshop. It can be done in any version.
Making an image to appear behind glass is not very difficult in Photoshop, whichever version you may be using. It can be done with the Blend Modes such as Overlay or Softlight. This is another way of doing it. It gives a much better result.