
Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Steam Punk Brush

This is a special effects tutorial using free downloaded Brushes for Photoshop. It works with all images and can be done even in Photoshop 7.
This is a free stock image.
The same image with the effect added.
The tutorial is here
Other photoshop tutorials are here

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Smart Object and Smart Filters 2

This another photoshop tutorial on using Smart Filters. Smart Filters are ordinary Photoshop Filters used non destructively.
I have selected this free stock image.
The same image after processing with Smart Filters.
The tutorial is here
Other photoshop tutorials are here

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Smart Object and Smart Filter

Those of you using Photoshop CS series must have heard of Smart Objects. This will show you how to turn a single image into a Smart Object and then apply Smart Filters to it to create special effects in Photoshop.
This is a free stock image.
The same image turned into a Smart Object and smart Filters applied. It is quite simple and can be done by learners. The tutorial is here
Other photoshop tutorials are here

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Gradient Special Effect

Photoshop has a lot of built in Gradients whether you are using Photoshop7 or Photoshop CS5 Extended. You can use them to create a special effect with any image. It is very simple and can be done by anyone.
This is a free stock image.
The same image with the effect added. The tutorial is here
Other photoshop tutorials are here

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Desaturation and shade

You can desaturate an image and add a dash of color to create a special effect with any version of Photoshop, even Photoshop 7.
This is a free stock image.
The same image with the effect added.
The tutorial is here
Other photoshop tutorials are here

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Pink Tone effect

This is to create a soft, dreamy pink effect with any color image in Photoshop. You need not be a wizard to do this. It is quite  simple.
This is a free stock image.
This the effect you create.
The tutorial is here 
Other photoshop tutorials are here

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Filters for special effect in Photoshop

Photoshop whichever version you use has quite a number of Filters which can be used imaginatively in permutation and combination, The possibilities are endless. 
This is a free stock image.
The same image after playing around with some of the filters.
The tutorial is here
Other photoshop tutorials are here

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Camera Raw Noise Removal

Color Noise can be irritating. One of the ways is to use the Reduce Noise Filter in Photoshop. It blurs out details, though you can get most of it back, but it is a long process. Noise Removal in Camera Raw is a much easier option and it does not blur detail while removing the noise. Your image remains crisp.
This is a  free stock image of Seattle by night.
The same image with the noise removed. It does not require much expertise.
Another noisy image.
The noise removed and some other tweaks in Camera Raw.
The tutorial is here
Other Photoshop tutorials are here

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Frame with Curves and Brush

You can create a frame for any image with a Curves Adjustment Layer, the Brush Tool and Drop Shadow in Photoshop. It requires no special expertise.
This is the effect you will be able to create. 
The tutorial is here
Other Photoshop tutorials are here

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Camera Raw and Black and White

You can turn a Color image to Black and White by just pressing CTRL+SHIFT+U. But you have no control. You cannot change the light and dark parts of the image. You can do this with camera Raw.
Here is a free stock color image.
The same image with the Black and White tweaked in Camera Raw,
The tutorial is here
Other tutorials are here

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Lomo Effect with Camera Raw

his is another tutorial on creating a Lomo Effect in Photoshop. A Lomo effect is something like vignetting with cross processing added. I will also show how it can be done with Camera Raw. If you have never opened an image in Camera Raw, see how it is done. 
This is the effect I will be creating.
The tutorial is here
Other Photoshop tutorials are here

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Polar Coordinates Special Effects tutorial in Photoshop

The Polar Coordinates is a filter in photoshop which is used rarely. You can use it together with other tools to create special effects.
You can create this special effect.
The tutorial is here
Other photoshop tutorials are here