
Rabu, 25 Januari 2012


My wife Sujata Chowdhury passed away at 17:00 pm this evening. She was 51.
She was hospitalised on December 13. She suffered two brain strokes and developed hospital acquired pneumonia while on  ventilation. She put up a valiant fight. But it all ended this evening.

This is thank all those who came forward with financial assistance after I made an appeal on this blog as I was unable to meet the huge hospital bills. The hospital bill has been settled.
I request visitors of this blog to pray for her soul.

Thank you all.
I specially wish to thank Office colleagues, former colleagues, friends, relatives and the Women's Fellowship of the St James' Church Kolkata who came forward with financial assistance.

Srinivasan Sivabalan, a former PTI emplyoyee who is now in London sent Rs 5001.
Nirav Rawal, 6508 DESEO APT 323, IRVING, TX 75039. United States has contributed $ 200.
A donation of Rs 10,000 was given by Sister Prema, Superior General, Missionaries of Charity, Kolkata. 
A donation of Rs 20,000 was made by Ranajoy Banerjee, former director of the Tea Board, India.

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Square Design in Photoshop

This is an easy photoshop tutorial on using the Rectangular Marquee Tool and a number of Layers to create a special effect which I am calling Square Design in Photoshop. It is not a design as such. You can do it in all versions of photoshop and works with most images. 
This is a free stock image.
The special effect you will be able to create.
The tutorial is here

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Cube Wrap in Photoshop CS5 Opacity Map

The Cube Wrap feature in Photoshop can be used for manipulating Text or Shapes. Here I will show how you can use Shapes together with a Cube Wrap and Opacity Map.
This is the effect I will create.
The tutorial is here

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Cube Wrap In Photoshop CS5

Cube wrap is a brand new feature in Photoshop CS5. A Cube has six sides. If you wish to place Text on it, you will have to place it on all six sides. But Photoshop CS5 changes all that. You merely type in your Text on one side and Photoshop puts it on all the other sides. It is as simple as that. You can go one better. You can create Type floating in air.
You can create this with Photoshop CS5. The tutorial is here

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Gold Gradient

The color Gold does not exist in Photoshop, though it can be created. Here we will be using a Gold Gradient available for free on the internet and a free stock image to apply to.
This is a free stock image.
These are the free Gradients.
The manipulated image. The tutorial is here