
Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

Shadow/Highlight in Photoshop CS

Those using Photoshop CS versions have the advantage of another adjustment -- the Shadow/Highlights. Earlier versions were restricted to Brightening and Contrast. The Shadow and Highlights are far more powerful and can dramatically improve an image.
I have downloaded thsi free stock image. Notice the shadows on the face spoils the image. You might have a similar image too.

The same photo after applying the Shadow/Highlights Adjustment. The Blues and Greens are brighter and the shadows have gone.

The tutorial is here.
Other photoshop tutorials are here.

Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Text Rock Texture

This is a Text tutorial which can be done in any version of Photoshop which will create text as if carved out from rock. It is quite easy. This the Text you can create.

You can even color ir.

The tutorial is here.

Other photoshop tutorials are here.

Senin, 22 Juni 2009

Faded Desaturation

Desaturating a color image is easy enough. Just press CTR+SHIFT+U. Restoring color back into a desaturated image is also possible and quite easy. What I intend to show in this Photoshop tutorial is how to blend the desaturated part with parts still remaining in color, seamlessly.
I have taken this free stock photo.
Desaturated it.

Restored color in parts and blended it with the desaturated portions seamlessly.

The tutorial is here.

Other Photoshop tutorials are here.

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Brighten Images with Channels

Some photos with a dark background may look a dull sometimes. These can be brightened up in Photoshop with a channel tweak in a few easy steps.

The original photo is above. The same photo with a channel tweak is below.

The tutorial is here:

Other Photoshop tutorials are here.

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

Tattoo with Brush Tool

You like tattoos but are afraid that it will hurt. Why bother? Just use Photoshop.

You can take a photo of yours like this free stock photo.

And add the tattoos.

You can even have the tattoos in color if you like.

See the tutorial here:

Other Photoshop tutorials are here:

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Smoke with Brush Tool

You can create smoke in Photoshop, but it is a difficult process. I will teach you to create smoke in a jiffy with no hard work involved. You can create smoke for a special effect for your photos.

This composition has been done with the smoke added. Want to do it?

See the tutorial here.

Other Photoshop tutorials are here.

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Pen Tool and Paste Into Command

If you wish to place an image inside a predefined frame you have to use the Paste Into command. This option is normally grayed out, but you should know how to activate it in Photoshop. I will show you how. For example, take a photo of a billboard and then paste a photo of your choice in it so that it fits it snugly and actually seems to be on the billboard.

I have taken this free stock photo of a signboard against the sky.

I have chosen this photo to paste into the signboard. This is also a free stock photo.

And there she is on the signboard as if she belonged there.

The Photoshop tutorial is here.

Other photoshop tutorials are here.

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

Pen and Brush Tutorial - III

I have posted two other Pen and Brush Tutorials. This is a third one. With this tutorial I intend to show how you can also create a composition using your knowledge of the pen and brush Tool.

I have taken these three stock photos for my composition.

This composition has been made from the three free stock images using the Pen and Brush Tools.

The Tutorial is here.

Other tutorials are here.

Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Pen and Brush Tutorial Part - II

Some find the Pen Tool difficult and avoid it. But it is a fantastic Tool. I will show you how to use it easily in this tutorial. You can master it without any difficulty. I will also show you how to use the Pen and Brush Tool together to create special effects.

I have chosen this free stock image.

The same image with the Pen Tool and Brush Tool used to create this effect.

The tutorial is here. Other Photoshop tutorials are here.

Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

Pen and Brush Tutorial - I

The Pen Tool and the Brush Tool can be used together to create some great effects. Don't be afraid of the Pen Tool. I will show you how to use it easily. The Pen Tool is not at all difficult if you know the secret of using it.

This has been done using the Pen Tool and Brush Tool in combination. You can do it too. I will show you how.

Here is the tutorial.

Other PS tutorials are here.