
Selasa, 09 November 2010

Photoshop Makeover Part 3

This is a continuation of the image makeover tutorial. I have fixed the skin in the first tutorial. It is here
The second part was on applying a blush. It is here
The next part is to fix the eyes.
This is how the image looks so far.
This is how the Layers palette looks so far. The Layer at the top is the Color Fill 2.
Step 1 : Zoom in on the eyes.
Step 2 : Press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E. A composite Layer4 forms.
Step 3 : Click the Dodge Tool.
Step 4 : The Range is set to Midtones, the Exposure to 50% and Protect Tones is checked.
Step 5 : Click in the top panel and set the Brush Hardness at 0
Step 6 : Make the Brush small by pressing the [ (left bracket).
Step 7 : Go over the white of the eyes with the Dodge Tool. The whites of the eyes brighten.
Step 8 : Do the same with the other eye.
Step 9 : Make another composite Layer by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E. Layer 5 forms.
Step 10 : The Dodge Tool was the last used. It is still selected.
Step 11 : Go over the pupil with the Dodge Tool.
Do the same with the other eye.
Step 12 : Make another composite layer by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E. Composite Layer 6 forms.
Step 13 : Click the Burn Tool.'
Step 14 : Give the same settings in the top panel for Range, Exposure and Protect Tones.
Step 15 : Go over the pupil a number of times. It will darken it.
Do the same to the other eye.
Step 16 : Click on the New Layer icon. A new blank layer forms. It is Layer7.
Step 17 : Press x on the keyboard to switch the Foreground Color to White.
Step 18 : Make the Brush small by pressing the [ (left bracket). Position it at the edge of the pupil.
Step 19 : Paint a small white highlight.
Step 20 : Do likewise in the other eye.
Step 21 : Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur.
Step 22 : The Gaussian Blur dialogue box opens.
Drag the Radius slider till the white dot is blurred a bit.
This is how the white dots look like after applying the Gaussian Blur.
Step 23 : Press CTR+SHIFT+E to make a new composite Layer8.
Step 24 : Click the New layer icon. A new Layer 9 forms.
Step 25 : Click the Healing Brush Tool.
Step 26 : Check Aligned. Sample should be set to Current & Below.
Step 27 : Click at the top where the arrow points. Set the Hardness to 0.
Step 28 : ALT+CLICK a point as shown.
Step 29 : ALT+CLICK to remove the white flecks in the pupil.
The white flecks have been removed.
Step 30 : Make another composite Layer 10 by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E.
Step 31 : Click the Elliptical Marquee Tool.
Step 32 : Draw a circular selection around one eye. Press SHIFT and draw another selection around the other eye.
Step 33 : Click on New Fill or Adjustment button and click on Levels.
Step 34 : The Levels Adjustment appears. Push the Black slider towards the right till it is just below the histogram. Push the white slider to the left till it is just below the histogram. Move the Gray slider in the middle slightly to the left.
This is how the eyes look. There is a hard edge to the brightened eyes. It does not look right.
Step 35 : Bring up the Gaussian Blur dialogue box as in Step 21 and increase the radius keeping a watch on the brightened eye. Click OK when satisfied.
This is how the eye looks after applying the Gaussian Blur.
The eyes have now been corrected. Save your work as a PSD. I will be continuing this tutorial.
The fourth part of the tutorial is here

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